Studia Translatorica

ISSN: 2084-3321 • e-ISSN: 2657-4802 • DOI: 10.23817/strans

About the Journal

The journal Studia Translatorica was established at the initiative of the editor-in-chief, Anna Małgorzewicz, in 2010. The first volume included articles documenting the discussions that took place during the international conference Translation: Theorie – Praxis – Didaktik in September 2009 at the Institute of German Studies, University of Wrocław. The main theme of the conference set the direction for the journal, which now serves as the foundation for academic reflections on both the theoretical and practical aspects of translation, as well as its professional didactics.

The editors of the journal are staff members of the Department of Translatorics and Glottodidactics at the Institute of German Studies, University of Wrocław. The journal is published by Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT (Wrocław) and Senfkorn Verlag (Görlitz) and is released once a year. The editorial board invites guest editors to collaborate on selected volumes of the journal.

The aim of the journal Studia Translatorica is to facilitate international exchange of scholarly ideas. For this reason, in addition to texts in Polish, we publish articles in English and German.

  • ISSN: 2084–3321
  • e-ISSN: 2657–4802
  • DOI: 10.23817/strans
  • Bounce rate: 33% (2024)
  • Score on the list of scientific journals: 40 (Communication of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education of 5 January 2024)
  • ICI Journals Master List ICV 2023: 100,00

The primary version of the journal is the print version.

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