Index der Schlüsselwörter
- Abbas Khider
- acceptability
- Adam Mickiewicz
- Adam Ważyk
- adaptation
- adaptation of names
- address
- addressee
- Adelbert von Chamisso
- Adelbert von Chamisso Prize
- adequacy
- adequateness
- advantages
- aesthetics
- Agatha Christie
- allusion
- allusions
- alternation of language views during translation
- anthropocentric translation studies
- anthropocentric translatorics
- anticipation
- antithesis
- aphasia
- aphorism
- aphorism translation
- approach
- approaches
- appropriation
- approximation
- Arabic interjections
- Arabic Translation
- Arabic/Iraqi Identity
- archive
- artificial intelligence
- artistic translation
- artistic work
- assessment
- audiovisual translation
- audio-visual translation
- audiovisual translator
- audiovisual/screen translation
- authorship
- capital letters
- catchphrases
- categorisation
- censorship
- Censorship
- Central and Eastern Europe
- certified translation
- changes in the translation & interpretation industry
- chess terminology
- child literature
- children’s films
- children’s literature
- children’s literature translation
- Chinese translators
- civil law
- classification of translation errors
- climate change
- cognitive aspect
- cognitive ethnolinguistics
- cognitive language theories
- Cognitive Linguistics
- cognitive linguistics
- collocation
- collocation patterns
- collocations in Polish and German
- colloquialism
- colonial identity
- comedy
- Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- communication
- community interpreting
- Companion Volume
- comparative analysis
- comparative linguistics
- comparison
- comparison of legal systems
- comparison of parallel legal texts method
- compensation
- competence
- competence in foreign LSP
- complementarity
- compound adjectives
- compounds
- computer-assisted interpreting tools
- concept “Garbage in, garbage out” in translation
- concepts
- conceptual metaphor
- conceptual mismatches
- consequences of translation errors
- constrained translation
- constraints
- content analysis
- cooperation and communication improvement
- corpus approaches
- correspondence
- coursebooks analysis
- court decision
- court interpreting
- court translation
- COVID-19 interpreting teaching
- creating new names
- creative shifts
- creativity
- critical incident analysis
- culinary studies
- cultural differences
- cultural dimensions
- cultural processes
- cultural reference
- cultural references in literary translation
- culture
- culture of learning
- culture translation
- culture-bound elements
- culture-crossing
- cultureme
- cultures
- culture-specific elements
- culture-specific items
- curriculum
- Czech equivalents
- Danish
- deaf studies
- deafness
- death
- Dedecius
- Dedecius’s individual translation theory
- defective source text
- denotative equivalence
- derivation
- derivatives
- description
- desiderata of training
- deterritorialization
- developmental psychology
- developments
- dialect translation
- diasemiotic and isosemiotic actions
- didactic implications
- didactics
- didactics of translation
- differences
- differences and commonalities
- differences between the language views in the source and target poems
- digital skills
- digitalisation
- diminutive
- direct (literal) translation
- directional adverbs
- Disney
- distribution of legal terms
- documentary translation
- Dorota Masłowska
- drama
- dubbing
- Dukaj
- Dutch
- early elementary education
- Eco-translatology
- editorial science
- education
- emotion
- emotions in translation
- empirical translatorics
- English
- English-Ukrainian verse translation
- epistemic function
- equipollency
- equivalence
- equivalence levels’ hierarchy in translation
- equivalency
- equivalent terms
- equivalents
- Erasmus
- ethnolinguistics
- euphemisms
- European institutions
- European Union
- evaluation
- evaluation criteria
- evolution
- exhibition
- expellees
- expert communicator
- explication
- explicit
- extradiegetic
- extrinsic motivation
- eye tracking
- eye-tracking
- eye-tracking research methods
- eye-tracking translatorics
- facultative transposition
- faithful translation
- fall of the Berlin Wall
- false friends
- fantasy
- fatal error
- feminatives
- feminization of language
- fidelity
- film classic
- film title
- film titles
- film translation
- final projection
- fMRI
- folk stories
- foreign accent
- foreign language learning for occupational purposes
- foreign language teaching
- foreign language teaching in Poland
- foreign languages
- foreignness
- foreignness in translation
- forensic competence
- form of address
- form-based interpreting
- formulaic expressions
- frame
- Franz Schubert
- freedom
- French Revolution
- French singers
- full equivalence
- function
- functional
- functional equivalence
- functional equivalent
- functional pragmatics
- functions of prosody
- future challenges
- game localization
- game studies
- Garry Kasparov
- gendering
- general language
- German
- German archaism
- German borrowings
- German interjections
- German language
- German language acquisition
- German language for academic purposes
- German poetry
- German studies
- global projection
- glossary
- good translation
- grammatical structures
- graphic interference
- graphic novel
- Grimm’s fairy tales
- idioms
- image
- imagery
- implication
- implicit
- indexing
- indigenous song translation
- indirect (non-literal) translation
- indirect translation
- influence of market
- informative text
- integration course
- intellectual friendship
- interaction
- intercultural competence
- intercultural education
- intercultural studies
- (inter)culturality
- interdisciplinary approach
- interference
- interlingual subtitling
- intermediality
- international understanding
- interpretation
- interpreter education
- interpreter’s skills
- interpreting
- interpreting and translation strategy
- interpreting competence
- interpreting procedures
- interpreting strategies
- Interpreting Studies
- interpreting teaching
- intersemiosis
- intersemiotic specification
- interviews
- intradiegetic
- intrinsic motivation
- Ivan Franko
- L2 writing
- lacuna
- Lacuna-model
- language biography
- language community
- language comparison
- language documentation
- language education policy
- language for special purposes (LSP)
- language learning motivation
- language mediation
- language of law
- language of the law
- language policy
- language politics
- language proficiency
- language shift
- language styles
- languages
- law and legal terminology
- law language
- lay interpreter
- learning activities
- learning foreign languages
- Lec
- legal action
- legal acts translation
- legal assistance
- legal language
- legal phraseology
- legal terminology
- legal texts
- legal translation
- legends
- Lektion der Stille
- Lem
- Lewis’s stylistic diversity
- lexicographical description
- lexicography of collocations
- lexis
- library
- limitation
- Lin Shu
- linguistic and non-linguistic competences of the translator
- linguistic corpora
- linguistic experiments
- linguistic picture of the world
- linguistics
- literary legacy
- literary proper names
- literary reception
- literary text
- literary translation
- literature
- localisation
- localization into Polish
- Łódź
- love
- love poetry
- LSP phraseology
- lyric poetry
- lyrics
- machine translation
- macrostructure
- manipulation
- marginalization
- market influence
- marketing
- materially existing reality
- meaning construction
- meaning-based interpreting
- meaningful names
- media education
- mediation
- medical terminology
- mental and conceptual reality
- mental processes
- metaphor
- metaphors
- methodology
- methodology of comparative studies
- metrics
- microstructure
- mind
- minority
- mistakes
- misunderstandings in intercultural communication
- model
- model of translation
- model of translation situation
- modern German poetry
- monolingual and bilingual collocation dictionaries
- mother tongue
- motif
- motion verbs
- motivating to learn foreign languages
- motivation
- motivation to learn foreign languages
- movie title
- Mozart
- multiculturalism
- multilingualism
- multilingualism in literary translation
- multiliteracy
- multimedia and audiovisual translation
- multimodal analysis
- multimodality
- multisemiotic translation
- Murder in Orient Express
- museum
- music semantics
- musical narrative
- musicalized fiction
- objectivity
- obligatory transposition
- observer
- occupational image
- occupational outlook
- official translation
- omitting names
- omnipotence of gods
- online/remote interpreting teaching
- onomastics
- ontological
- ontological and semiotic transcendence
- ontological and semiotic transcendence/transcending
- opera
- oral communication
- orality
- orientalism
- otherness
- overtitling
- pain
- paradigm
- parallel corpora
- parallel text
- parallel texts
- parameters
- Pelevin
- Perfect imperfection
- perspectives
- Peter Schlemihl
- philology
- phonetic comprehensibility
- phonetic interference
- phonetics of German
- photogrammetric dictionary
- phraseological units
- phraseology
- pitfalls
- pluricentric languages
- poetic tradition
- poetical cycle
- poetry
- poetry translation
- point of view
- Polish
- Polish language jokers
- Polish literature
- Polish literature in Germany
- Polish poetry
- Polish prosecuting authorities
- Polish science fiction
- Polish Studies for International Students
- Polish women’s poetry
- Polish-German relations
- Polish-German relationship
- Polish-German translation
- politeness
- political literature
- political speeches
- politics
- polylexemes
- polyphony
- postcolonial theory of translation
- post-war period
- pragmatics
- preschool
- preserving
- presupposition
- primary projection
- primary sender – source text – translator as a secondary recipient and as a secondary sender – target text – terminal (final) recipient
- probabilistic model
- probability prediction
- process vs. product
- process-oriented translation
- product design
- product-oriented translation
- professional interpreter training
- professional language
- professor
- proper names
- prosody
- prosubs
- public service translation
- publishing market
- punctuation
- punk cabaret
- puns
- purpose
- R&B
- reader-response
- readers
- real basis of communication
- realia
- reception
- recipient
- reflection on the learning process
- relativistic approach
- relevance
- Relevance Theory
- relevance theory
- rendering
- repetition
- representations
- reproduction
- retranslation
- reversibility vs. irreversibility
- revolution
- rhetorical questions
- Różewicz
- Russian
- Russian poetry
- Santi (The Three-Body Problem)
- Sara
- scene construction
- school language teaching
- school projects
- scientific translation
- screen adaptation
- screen translation
- selection
- self-denigration
- self-translation
- semantic relationships
- semantic role
- semantic-field-set-theory
- semiotic
- semiotic and communication dimension
- semiotic cohesion
- semiotics
- series titles
- sex as taboo
- shifts
- sight translation
- sign
- sign language
- simultaneous interpreting
- singability
- sitcom
- sitcoms
- skills and competence of translator
- skopos theory
- Skopos theory
- Skovoroda
- small degree courses
- social competencies
- social forms
- socio-economics
- sociology of translation
- solipsism
- song
- song cycle
- song text
- song translation
- source
- source text
- source text and target text intercultural relation
- source text compression
- Spanish
- Spanish-Polish legal translation
- specialisation
- specialist vocabulary
- specialized translation
- speech act
- stage musicals
- Stanislaw J. Lec
- steer field
- strategies
- strategy of positioning
- structural groups
- Studia Translatorica
- stylistic dominant
- stylometry
- subjectivity
- subjectivity of translation
- substantive bases
- subtitles
- surtitles
- survey
- sustainability communication
- sustainable cities
- sworn translator
- sworn translator and interpreter
- symbolic field
- syntactic complexity
- synthesis
- system of translation rules and relations
- Szymborska
- Szymon Jachimek
- taboo in the literature
- taboo(breaking) in the Polish literature
- tandem translation
- target
- target text
- Tauwetter
- tea term
- teaching German as a foreign language
- teaching of pronunciation
- teaching of translation
- teaching techniques
- teaser
- technical translation
- term
- terminological equivalence
- terminological field
- terminologization
- terminology
- terminology standardization
- text type
- text-normative equivalence
- textual meaning
- textual understanding
- the anthropocentric conception of translation
- the art of translation
- the cognitive and practical competences of a translator
- The Crimean Sonnets
- the idea of life vicissitudes
- the in-image subtitle
- the language of law
- the language of Różewicz’s poetry
- the language views in Różewicz’s poetry
- the predicate-argument structure
- the relationship of translation as a relationship of communication
- the relationship of translation as a system of constituencies for any situation of translation
- the role of books for German as a foreign language in promoting multilingualism
- the Scandinavian languages
- the Silver Age of Russian Literature
- the translator’s sociocultural situatedness
- theatre translation
- theatrical translation
- themes
- theological discourse
- third culture elements
- threnody
- Tiger Lillies
- title
- titles of legal acts
- TM-Semic
- tradaptation
- trained interpreter
- transcending
- transcreation
- transfer procedures: simulation
- transformation process
- translatability
- translating of names
- translation
- translation / interpreting
- translation action
- translation and music
- translation assessment
- translation competence
- translation criticism
- translation didactics
- translation difficulties
- translation error
- translation evaluation
- translation, intertextuality, polysystem, interculturality, interculture
- translation into German
- translation market
- translation modalities
- translation model
- translation models
- translation of a comic book
- translation of aphorisms
- translation of comedies
- translation of legal acts
- translation of names
- translation of poetry
- translation policy
- translation practice
- translation process
- translation purpose
- translation quality
- translation standards
- translation strategies
- translation strategies and techniques
- translation strategy
- Translation Studies
- translation studies
- translation style
- translation task
- translation tasks
- translation technique
- translation techniques
- translation theory
- translation theory and practice
- translation to Silesian
- translation training
- translation transformations
- translational approaches
- translational dispositions
- translational transcendence
- translational transcendences
- translation-hybrid
- translation-oriented text analysis
- translations
- translations strategies
- translator
- translator network
- Translator Studies
- translator studies
- translator’s and interpreter’s competence
- translator’s competence
- translator’s competences
- translator’s creativity
- translator’s individual style
- Translator’s Notes
- translator’s strategy
- translator’s subjectivity
- translator’s techniques
- transmediality
- types of translation decisions
- typography